Rotate to Attend: Convolutional Triplet Attention Module

Diganta Misra, Trikay Nalamada,
Ajay Uppili Arasanipalai, Qibin Hou

Attention in Computer Vision

Squeeze-Excite Networks

First to efficiently model cross-channel relationship in feature maps by learning channel-specific weights


Fused channel and spatial attenion into a single module for visual recognition.

Global-Context Networks

Combines channel attention with non-local block to learn long-range dependancies


  • Treat Dimensions Independently
  • Computationally Expensive
  • Information Bottlenecks

Cross-Dimensional Interaction

Triplet Attention

(a) Squeeze Excitation (b) CBAM; (c) Global Context Module; (d) Triplet Attention (ours)

Triplet Attention Structural Design


Image Classification

Object Detection


Code and Pretrained Models:


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